How To Feng Shui Your Workspace

By Connor Barry on August 4, 2022

Origin of feng shui and benefits

Since the ninth century BC, feng shui has been used, including some of the earliest examples of feng shui dating back to ancient Chinese grave sites. Feng shui stems from the Taoist belief where they believe everything has a sense of life, also known as chi. So, those that followed this belief would arrange belongings in an area to find harmony and positive chi, ensuring good health, luck, and prosperity.

An organized and appealing office can often make work more welcoming, increase productivity and overall mental health, and decrease stress. So whether you are a Taoist or looking to arrange your space for optimal productivity, we share how you can use feng shui to set up your workspace in this article.

How to feng shui your office

1. Be sure your workstation is far from any resting area, such as your bed or the couch. Keeping both of these spaces separate is essential in associating mindfulness. For instance, having your desk away furthest from your bed will help keep your bedroom area tranquil and associate your desk with productivity.

2. There are many feng shui rules on best setting up spaces around you and incorporating all five elements (water, wood, fire, earth, and metal) into an area to improve the flow of chi. One way to make sure each is present is by using colors in relation to what qualities you are looking for. Keep in mind that these colors should be used minimally in moderation or in fire’s case. Below is each element and the colors associated with them.

  • Wood: Green, Blues – Wood’s quality is new beginnings and wealth.
  • Fire: Red – Fire’s quality is passion or inspiration.
  • Earth: Yellow, Orange, Brown – Earth’s qualities are grounded and supported.
  • Water: Black – Water’s qualities are intuition and wisdom.
  • Metal: White, Metallic – Metal’s qualities are beauty and efficiency.

3. Position your desk in the “commanding” position by being in the furthest spot from the room’s entrance and have your chair against the wall. This allows you to see anything that may come your way.

4. When possible, utilize natural lighting from windows to avoid the fatigue that fluorescent lighting typically brings. So, open your blinds and curtains for a healthy dose of sunshine.

5. To eliminate chaos in your office space, remove all litter and clutter. Letting go of the mess can release tired or unmotivated energy and bring clarity as you work through the day. This is not only limited to your desk space but also drawers and around your office area.

6. While handing nature in your office isn’t necessary, it can bring the wood element easily into your office. Additionally, office plants have many benefits, which you can read more about here.

7. Ensure there aren’t any obstacles to and from your desk. Open pathways can remove any blocked energy in productivity.

8. Your decor in the room should align with your work goals. Visually displaying your goals can affect your subconscious and how you begin to nurture those goals.

Overall, using feng shui methods is a great way to organize your office with the intention of a productive and positive work day. With this in mind, you’ll have one area of your life in order, and then it will be time to feng shui the rest of your home.






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